In our continuous commitment to transparency and ethical practices, we are pleased to introduce our whistleblower functionality. This confidential platform empowers individuals to report any concerns regarding misconduct, unethical behavior, or any violation of our policies.
Your courage to speak up plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of our organization. Rest assured, all reports will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and appropriate actions will be taken to address the issues raised.
To submit a report, please use the designated channels provided, ensuring that your identity remains protected. We appreciate your dedication to upholding our values and contributing to a workplace that prioritizes accountability.
In addition to the option of a report through our system we offer you to reach out to Head of People & Culture, Lisa Carlsson in person via email at; or at +4676-1386261.
We recommend that you include the following information in the report:
The team assigned at Nodica Group to handle incoming report is; Lisa Carlsson – Head of People & Culture, Niklas Edling – CEO Nodica Group and ScandiNova Systems, Gert Jösok – Managing Director Scanditronix Magnet, Jamie Clark – Managing Director Microwave Amps, Kimmo Alho – Managing Director IECO.
Thank you for your commitment to the success and ethical standards of our organization.
Nodica Group